Cream Cheese Penguins



Cream Cheese Penguins

Is there such a cuteness in the world? Just imagine the reaction of your gusts, when you surprise them with this charming appetizer.


You will need:

  • 18 jumbo black olives, pitted
  • 1/2 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
  • 18 small black olives
  • 1 carrot
  • Feel free to multiply the ingredients as needed.


  • Cut a slit from top to bottom, lengthwise, into the side of each jumbo olive.
  • Carefully insert cream cheese into each olive.
  • Slice the carrot into eighteen 1/8 inch thick rounds; cut a small notch out
    of each carrot slice to form feet.
    Save the cut out piece and press into center of small olive to form the beak.
  • Starting with the small olive, poke with the toothpick, then go through
    the jumbo olive, and the carrot. Make sure that the beak, cream cheese chest,
    and notch in the carrot line up.

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